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How Paul Kagame deliberately sacrificed the Tutsi - Jean-Marie NDAGIJIMANA

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      Présentation How Paul Kagame Deliberately Sacrificed The Tutsi de Jean - Marie Ndagijimana

       - Livre

      • Auteur(s) : Jean-Marie NDAGIJIMANA
      • Editeur : La Pagaie
      • Collection : Ibukabose
      • Langue : Anglais
      • Parution : 01/11/2010
      • Format : Petit, de 0 à 350g
      • Nombre de pages : 186

      Paul Kagame was a warlord who systematically rejected every initiative from the United Nations and certain Western countries that would have halted the massacre of the Tutsis.
      He even went so far as to threaten to attack those foreign troops who interfered in trying to end the genocide.
      I recall especially the threats leveled directly against France at the time of Operation Turquoise.
      Kagame never intended to protect the Tutsi families inside Rwanda, but only to use them in his drive to seize power by force of arms.

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