Existential Authenticity - Pninit Russo-Netzer
- Format: Relié
- 156 pages Voir le descriptif
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Présentation Existential Authenticity Format Relié
- Livre- Auteur(s) : Pninit Russo-Netzer - Jonathan Davidov
- Editeur : Springer International Publishing Ag
- Langue : Anglais
- Parution : 01/11/2022
- Nombre de pages : 156
- Expédition : 323
- Dimensions : 21.6 x 15.3 x 1.4
Résumé :
1. 'Everything is foreseen, and permission is granted'.- 2. Being Here, Dasein, and the Four lifeworld existential modes of subjective experience.- 3. Authenticity and the four universal concerns.- 4. The therapeutic model.- 5. The existential approach in practice - an introduction.- 6. Being-for the client and the phenomenology of the subjective experience.- 7. Being-alongside stage and the client's universal concerns.- 8. Being Otherwise- therapeutic paths, therapeutic partnership and the existential authenticity model.