The Fox & Little Tanuki, Volume 5 - Tagawa Mi
- Format: Broché
- 208 pages Voir le descriptif
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Présentation The Fox & Little Tanuki, Volume 5 Format Broché
- Livre- Auteur(s) : Tagawa Mi
- Editeur : Tokyopop
- Langue : Anglais
- Parution : 01/08/2022
- Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
- Nombre de pages : 208
- Expédition : 194
- Dimensions : 19.0 x 13.0 x 2.0
Résumé :
Confronted by a dark memory from his past, Senzou loses control of his powers, going into a wild rage. While the wolves and foxes struggle to deal with the dark miasma before it can corrupt the countryside around them, Manpachi and Koyuki team up with an unexpected new friend in an attempt to calm Senzou's anxious heart. Manpachi is sure their love will reach Senzou... if only they have enough time!--back cover.
Mi Tagawa is a Japanese manga creator known primarily for slice of life manga, including The Fox & Little Tanuki, Manga Sake, Mugi no Mahoutsukai, and Hana no Niwa Ame no Mai.