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Pretty Boy Detective Club (Manga) 2 - Nisioisin

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14,55 €

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  • Livraison GRATUITE
  • Livré entre le 23 et le 27 janvier
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      Avis sur Pretty Boy Detective Club (Manga) 2 Format Broché  - Livre Manga

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      Présentation Pretty Boy Detective Club (Manga) 2 Format Broché

       - Livre Manga

      • Auteur(s) : Nisioisin
      • Editeur : Kodansha
      • Langue : Anglais
      • Parution : 01/12/2021
      • Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
      • Nombre de pages : 356
      • Expédition : 346
      • Dimensions : 19.2 x 14.0 x 3.0

      Résumé :
      A disappearing swindler and an impossible kidnapping—
      Two thrilling new mysteries await!

      Mayumi Dojima has just become the newest member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club when her first challenge as Mayumi the Seer literally falls into her lap: a suspicious businessman drops a wad of counterfeit bills on the sidewalk, and suddenly the games are afoot! At a shady casino operating out of their rival high school’s gymnasium, the Pretty Boys encounter a fiendish new foil—leading to a nail-biting showdown between beauty and fraud... And just when things seem to have quieted down, a chance discovery in the art room leads the Pretty Boys to 33 mysterious paintings, and a bizarre kidnapping that took place at Yubiwa Academy seven years earlier—?!


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