The Food Tree Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Curriculum - Troderman, Jill S.
- Format: Broché
- 262 pages Voir le descriptif
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Présentation The Food Tree Holistic Nutrition And Wellness Curriculum Format Broché
- Livre Littérature Générale- Auteur(s) : Troderman, Jill S.
- Editeur : Holistic Family Nutrition
- Langue : Anglais
- Parution : 01/04/2020
- Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
- Nombre de pages : 262
- Expédition : 840
- Dimensions : 25.4 x 20.3 x 1.8
Résumé :
Help teach holistic nutrition to educate, inspire, and empower kids to navigate the world of food and eating through their connection to their mind, body, and soul with The Food Tree Curriculum. This tome is full of over a hundred thought-provoking nutrition lessons, science experiments, arts and crafts, mindfulness activities from an award-winning holistic nutritionist. The Food Tree Curriculum is a comprehensive and unique nutrition education teaching tool and resource guide emphasizing food literacy and plant-based eating. Suitable for a wide age range, educators, parents, coaches, doctors, and wellness practitioners can teach their students, clients, and patients what they need to know about food to create a positive change in their lives and the world around them. The Food Tree demonstrates the how, what, who, why, when, and where of eating based on peer-reviewed research so that people can create a healthy diet to support their optimal health. The Food Tree has Five Food Groups that correlate to five parts of a tree that are recommended to eat every day. The Roots represent Proteins The Trunk represents Whole Grains The Branches represent Fats The Leaves represent Vegetables The Fruit represents Fruits To help spread the word about healthy food are the trio of Food Tree Characters; Nutritia, Vita Boy, and The Nutrition Vampire!