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Walks in the Garden - Sara Kendall

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2,88 €

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  • Livraison : 3,09 €
  • Livré entre le 28 et le 30 janvier
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couverture souple, moyen format , très bon état. . 3440757 - Walks in the Garden, Kendall, Sara, Set In Stone Press, 2021

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      Avis sur Walks In The Garden de Sara Kendall Format Broché  - Livre Album jeunesse

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      Présentation Walks In The Garden de Sara Kendall Format Broché

       - Livre Album jeunesse

      • Auteur(s) : Sara Kendall - Jason J. Burkhardt
      • Editeur : Touchladybirdlucky Studios
      • Langue : Anglais
      • Parution : 01/04/2021
      • Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
      • Nombre de pages : 22
      • Expédition : 85
      • Dimensions : 25.4 x 17.8 x 0.1

      Résumé :
      Go on an adventure with The BackYard Trio as they Walk in the Garden of Eden. EZ shares the story of God's creation on this Earth with Avra and Scooter. Learn what God did in six days, and what He did when Adam and Eve disobeyed Him. (Gen 1:1 , Gen 3:24)

      Sara Kendall was born in East Texas in 1964 and has spent most of her life in Texas. Being a middle child of seven, she entertained herself in books where her passion for writing began.
      As an adult she has a special place in her heart for children and had taught Sunday School ages 4-12. She also was a church secretary in Alpine, Texas.
      In 1992 she met Jason Burkhardt, her co-author for The BackYard Trio series, at the Christian shelter in Van Horn, Texas where he was the administrator and she was a volunteer. Together they volunteered at different missions in different towns, as well as taught children and adults in a church in Hickory, North Carolina.
      In 2002 Sara and Jason gave life to The BackYard Trio after watching their own pets' behavior. Combining the characters and situations in the Bible along with the lovable animals in the books gives the children an enjoyable journey through the Bible.

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