Shibuya Goldfish, Vol. 7 - Aoi, Hiroumi
- Format: Broché
- 194 pages Voir le descriptif
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Présentation Shibuya Goldfish, Vol. 7 Format Broché
- Livre- Auteur(s) : Aoi, Hiroumi
- Editeur : Yen Press
- Langue : Anglais
- Parution : 01/03/2020
- Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
- Nombre de pages : 194
- Expédition : 234
- Dimensions : 20.2 x 14.7 x 1.7
Résumé :
Shibuya has been a waking nightmare since the day the goldfish first appeared, but Udagawacho is a whole other horror show. Grotesque goldfish known as limbs-so called for the human arms and legs protruding from their mouths-are unique to the area, and an encounter with one spells almost certain death. Despite his odd, unsympathetic demeanor, SDF soldier Mibu is nonetheless Hajime's best hope for reuniting with his friends. Together, they will escape the grasping hands of the limbs-or die trying!!
Hiroumi Aoi, Abigail Blackman, Ko Ransom...