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Long Night at the Vepsian Museum: The Forest Folk of Northern Russia and the Struggle for Cultural Survival - Veronica Davidov

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        • Auteur(s) : Veronica Davidov
        • Editeur : Univ Of Toronto Pr
        • Langue : Anglais
        • Parution : 01/11/2017
        • Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
        • Nombre de pages : 160
        • Expédition : 386
        • Dimensions : 23.1 x 15.5 x 1.5

        Résumé :
        This book takes readers to the village of Sheltozero in northern Russia. it highlights a tiny community of indigenous people called Veps, known colloquially as the forest folk for their intense closeness and affiliation with the forests in their ancestral territories. Davidov uses a tour of the local museum to introduce a cast of human and non-human characters from traditional Vepsian culture, while journeying through various eras under Russian, Finnish, Soviet, and post-Soviet rule. In the process, she explores how contemporary political struggles mesh with traditional beliefs, illustrating how Veps make meaning of their history and unfolding future.A documentary entitled Museum Night is available for instructors who wish to incorporate it into their teaching.

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