Invited to live - Albertine Gentou
- Format eBook: Epub2 Voir le descriptif
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Présentation Invited To Live
- eBook Religion- Auteur(s) : Albertine Gentou - Yvonne Trubert
- Editeur : Editions L'harmattan
- Langue : Français
- Parution : 01/09/2007
- Format : Epub2
- Compatibilité : Liseuse, Android, iOS, Windows, Desktop
- ISBN : 9782336256214
The history of Invitation to Life is linked to the story of Yvonne Trubert, founder of this Association, and to the thousands of people, who for more than twenty years, have followed the path of Christ, to find new hope and meaning in their lives. Through an approach based on personal stories and the precepts of love, the reader will discover the singular quality of Invitation to Life, an ecumenical movement now established on five continents, for the sole purpose of renewing human dignity.