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Holistic Feeding - Gonzalo Estrada

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        Avis sur Holistic Feeding de Gonzalo Estrada Format Broché  - Livre Médecine vétérinaire

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        Présentation Holistic Feeding de Gonzalo Estrada Format Broché

         - Livre Médecine vétérinaire

        • Auteur(s) : Gonzalo Estrada
        • Editeur : Gonzalo Estrada
        • Langue : Anglais
        • Parution : 01/03/2024
        • Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
        • Nombre de pages : 86
        • Expédition : 121
        • Dimensions : 21.6 x 14.0 x 0.6

        Résumé :
        Dive into the world of pet nutrition with Holistic Feeding: The Secret to Healthy and Happy Pets! by Gonzalo Estrada. This comprehensive guide is your key to understanding how a holistic approach to your pet's diet can lead to a healthier, more vibrant life. From the basics of natural ingredients to the transformative power of raw food, each chapter is packed with valuable insights into pet health. Discover the benefits of holistic eating for dogs and cats alike, learn about essential nutritional supplements, and find out how to make the transition to a holistic diet. With chapters dedicated to senior pets, the relationship between diet and behavior, and managing medical conditions through food, this book covers all aspects of holistic feeding. Homemade recipes, reading pet food labels, and understanding the dangers of additives and preservatives are also explored, providing a well-rounded view of what it means to feed your pet holistically. Whether you're dealing with allergies, sensitivities, or just looking for a more balanced diet for your furry friend, Holistic Feeding is the perfect resource for any pet parent.

        Gonzalo Estrada es un autor prol?fico y reconocido, cuyos libros abarcan temas que apasionan a la humanidad. Con una presencia destacada en los principales medios tanto f?sicos como en l?nea, Estrada ha dejado una marca significativa en la literatura contempor?nea. Sus obras, de gran trascendencia en plataformas como Amazon, Barnes & Noble y muchas otras, reflejan su profundo conocimiento y pasi?n por los temas que aborda. Desde el poder transformador de la gratitud hasta la singular personalidad del Bulldog Franc?s, Estrada ha demostrado ser un escritor vers?til y cautivador que ha sabido conectar con lectores de todas partes del mundo.

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