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Claudia and the Bad Joke: A Graphic Novel (the Baby-Sitters Club #15) - Martin, Ann M

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        Présentation Claudia And The Bad Joke: A Graphic Novel (The Baby - Sitters Club #15) Format Relié

         - Livre Manga

        • Auteur(s) : Martin, Ann M
        • Editeur : Scholastic Inc.
        • Langue : Anglais
        • Parution : 01/12/2023
        • Format : Moyen, de 350g à 1kg
        • Nombre de pages : 192
        • Expédition : 458
        • Dimensions : 20.7 x 14.5 x 2.2

        Résumé :
        Claudia's not worried when she hears her newest babysitting charge, Betsy Sobak, is a great practical joker. After all, how much harm can one little girl do? Plenty. Claudia breaks her leg as a result of one of Betsy's mean jokes--and now she's talking about quitting the club. Babysitting, she says, is just too dangerous. Kristy thinks Betsy needs to be taught a lesson. She also thinks the Babysitters are just the ones to do it. Watch out, Betsy Sobak! The joke war is on!--

        Ann M. Martin is the creator of The Baby-sitters Club, which has more than 190 million books in print, making it one of the most popular series in the history of publishing. Her novels include A Corner of the Universe (a Newbery Honor Book), Belle Teal, Here Today, A Dog's Life, On Christmas Eve, and the Main Street and Family Tree series, as well as the much-loved collaborations P.S. Longer Letter Later and Snail Mail No More with Paula Danziger. Ann lives in upstate New York.
        Arley Nopra is a Filipina-Canadian illustrator and cartoonist and the creator of the New York Times bestselling Baby-sitters Club graphic novel adaptation Claudia and the Bad Joke by Ann M. Martin. She loves creating stories with relatable characters and finds joy in making readers laugh. She previously worked as the colorist for the second and third Dragon Prince graphic novels. When Arley isn't drawing, she's obsessing over TV shows, drinking lots of bubble tea, or reading novels in her favorite armchair. She lives in Toronto.

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